Dottyland Impact Self đź«€ PoC release

We are happy to celebrate a small but important milestone of shipping the very first proof of concept of the Dottyland Impact Selfđź«€

Kärri Brewster-Palts


It is a little raw, but we prefer to build forward and iterate based on real feedback instead of a theoretical roadmap. So the approach we’ve taken here is to first do a limited live with 20–30 individuals testing the flow to share their comments/questions/feedback. It also feels like it’s about time we start sharing a bit more publicly about what the Impact Self 🫀entails today, what it will look like in the near future and the functionalities it will serve.

The Impact Self 🫀is an aggregated overview of an individual’s impact, and score of climate-positive choices.

We need to mobilise consumers in climate-positive behaviour

Imagine a society where every climate-positive decision and action (including, ultimately, refraining from certain actions and contribution towards climate justice) we make guarantees us an upper hand. Better terms for financial solutions, higher social capital, discounts, access.

The sad reality is that at our current pace, we are set to pass the 1.5°C threshold by 2040 at the latest (most likely earlier). If you’re reading this and not entirely convinced how big a deal this is, then think about how differently your own body functions at 1.5°C higher than its regular healthy temperature – our planet is the same! The good news is that it is not inevitable. According to the last IPCC report, having the right policies, infrastructure and technology in place to enable changes to our lifestyles and behaviour can result in a 40–70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. That is massive! We cannot forget the power of over 4 bln consumers to enforce these changes.

Today, we — as consumers and individuals — don’t own our impact. Neither negative nor positive.

With all of the relevant information scattered across and owned by separate service providers, it is hard to prove that I ticked the box for offsetting my footprint for the flight I took to London, that I have reduced my carbon footprint by walking more or that I’m contributing renewable energy into the grid. Without clear, conclusive, and immutable reference to individual impact, it is also difficult to reward impactful behaviour. But in order to maximise the positive impact potential resulting from individual behaviour, we need to start rewarding it in more ways than singular loyalty points or fiscal rewards under corporate schemes dispersed across different customer accounts.
In fact, the very concept of reward here must entail climate-positive behaviour improving our practical lives in addition to preserving and restoring our living environment. (Think of impact as an additional layer of security and trust, for example.) It’s not just the mere act of creating climate-positive impact but also its reverberating value that need to become part of our ordinary lives and hence, something that we hold and control alongside our self-governed identity.

Dottyland’s mission is to mobilise consumers in climate-positive behaviour by giving them ownership of their impact for tangible benefits.

Introducing the Impact Self đź«€ PoC

Impact Self đź«€ is the on-chain representation of your climate (and in the future also social) impact. As a non-transferrable dynamic NFT (aka Soulbound token) in your wallet, it serves as part of your identity. You as an individual own it and have the power to decide whether to reveal your underlying impact score publicly or not.

How it works in the PoC version:

  • After you have connected your wallet, we fetch data from Toucan.Earth’s and Klima.DAO’s subgraphs to check how many tonnes of carbon you have offset using NCT or BCT tokens.
  • Based on the amount of on-chain carbon offsetting you have done with BCT or NCT tokens, the impact score is calculated.
  • Every tonne offset contributes 6 points to the score. Within this limited scope of PoC, we have capped the maximum score to 90 (out of 100). This logic (and admittedly yes, still a very optimistic one) reflects our core belief that true and sustained impact requires the reduction of individual footprint in addition to offsetting. (Adding the aspect of reduction of footprint is something we’re working to incorporate into the solution post-beta.)
  • After seeing your score first off-chain on our platform, you are prompted to claim your Impact Self đź«€ as an NFT aka move it on-chain. Important note: You are in charge of your impact and can turn the contents of it private whenever you choose to.

Some of the near-term next steps:

  1. Continuously moving towards a more conclusive and diverse Impact Self 🫀 — i.e. expanding the range of input sources for confirmed climate-positive actions, e.g. green liquid staking, planting a tree, preserving a forest, etc. Further sources will include on-chain footprint calculation, climate project funding contributions, off-chain payment transactions, and other proven impact-related measurable actions;
  2. Evolving the score formula so as to 1) enable a wider array of input sources and 2) refrain from encouraging score improvement with lower-quality credits;
  3. Beyond the score as a singular and continuously evolving output, we’re exploring how to showcase all the SBTs and NFTs, certificates, credentials, and other confirmed climate-positive actions that are being issued by projects per individual;
  4. Emphasis on applying use cases for utility benefits, breaking down into three categories:
    📡 Social signalling
    📡 Access + trust/security
    📡 Earning + better terms and yield

Our immediate focus now will be on the first two categories whilst continuously working towards making the third one feasible. (The hypothesis, developed during our time building consumer fintech solutions, is that the better one’s impact, the better their credit behaviour and it is our belief that this will be fundamental in unlocking the new impact-driven consumer economies at scale. But… more on this in the future!).

Please do get in touch with us in case:

  • any of the above spoke to you or you have questions;
  • you feel like building the Impact Self đź«€ alongside us;
  • you see potential for collaborating;
  • you feel like being a PoC test user👩‍🔬

Thank you for taking the time to read!
Ketly and Kärri
(Dottyland founders)



Kärri Brewster-Palts
Editor for

Co-founder @ Dottyland. Turning climate-positive behaviour into functional on-chain identities.